According to the AAII, out of more than 50 stock-screens it operates on a monthly basis, the Martin Zweig Stock Screen has been its top performer in the last ten years - up more than 1,900 percent between 1998 and 2008 (see below)

Zweig's investing philosophy is to buy and sell stocks in accordance with broader market conditions, the fundamentals of the stocks themselves and entry/exit timing using price action strength. It is not a traditional "buy and hold" strategy and he believed in being fully vested in bull markets and completely divested in bear markets (waiting with cash to get back in with exceptional value).
This is the philosophy that PowerStocks have adopted, with our sole purpose to provide you with those tools to select deep-value stocks with the highest probablity of market outperformance coupled with the largest margins of safety.
As we demonstrated with Piotroski, we will be performing the first ever public Zweig Fundamental Stock Screen for the JSE. We will publish the screen as at 31 October and then PowerStocks subscribers can get an updated Screen once per month via email for a nominal fee (more details later.)
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